Monday 8 June 2015

Bench work and Wallpaper - On30 Mining

Progress on the workshop.

The walls were papered this weekend to give a better finish, and as half of the building is for a summer house they will have to be painted.

I removed the shelf's i built above the workbench and will replace them with Kitchen wall units,  I will just be buying the framing just now the doors will follow when i have more cash.

I spent ages trying to workout how best to lay my workbenches out, and i have finally settled for this layout.  I hope it gives me enough space to construct my layouts.

So now its just down to buying another worktop, and the base units to go below the worktop.

I have two 600mm wall units to build and install over the next few days,  But before all that i need to paint the Ceiling and walls.


With the workshop progressing nicely i am now thinking about the first layout i am going to build.  I have been hunting around for a track plan and a theme, and found a cracking small 3 foot by 3 foot layout to use as a base.  Its a small mountain mining layout with an inverted figure of 8, There is a small turntable with sidings to the mine and a blacksmiths workshop.  The Scale is On30 and the stock will be Bachman Porters with the mining ore cars and other scratch build wagons.

More to follow on this........


  1. (...tried writing a comment earlier...didnt work so im going to do it again lol) Well done on getting more work done on the workshop Alan! nice looking track plan youve found yourself there, should prove to be a cracking layout. i will gladly help you take it to shows lol
    keep up the good work :-)

    1. Cheers Rory that would be great, Its all coming together, i will be please to start building smaller kits rather than workbenches and cupboards, but i can see a light at the end of the tunnel an its not few away. If you have any ideas feel free to let me know.
      Take it easy
